Contribute to the Guide
Join our open community and help us improve the Bitcoin Design Guide.
Our current tasks #
The big goals and milestones we’re working towards.
Good first issues
Looking for something easy to get started?
Help write informative, clear design information.
Illustration, screen mock-ups, and all that fun stuff.
Discord channel #
Head over to the Bitcoin Design Discord community and join the #bitcoin-design-guide channel. If you don’t have Discord, you can download it here or on the App Store.
GitHub #
The Bitcoin Design Guide is hosted on GitHub, an open-source collaboration platform. This is where you can view outstanding issues, propose changes, see what needs to be done, and see who’s working alongside you.
Proposing changes #
Learn the basics of collaborating on GitHub so that when you’re ready to make your first pull request, you’ll know how.
Become a reviewer #
Get involved in the Bitcoin Design Guide review process. Reviewers are essential to improving the quality and usefulness of the guide.
Content guidelines #
Tips on how to write for the guide. The goal is to achieve a consistent tone across all pages for the benefit of readers.
Illustration guidelines #
Creating visuals for the Bitcoin Design Guide? We recommend following these best practices for file naming, image sizing, etc.
Formatting #
Layout and formatting options from headers and blockquotes to images and embeds.
Case studies #
Tips and tricks on how to share your design or research process in the form of a case study.
These contribution guidelines are for the Bitcoin Design Guide project. To get involved with the broader Bitcoin Design Community and projects, check out general contribution guidelines.